Battlecry LARP - Markoth Wiki
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What is this place?

This Wiki is devoted to creating a library of Lore , Rules , Religions, Characters, Creatures  etc for our players to read and enjoy.

What is Battlecry?

Battlecry is a Live Action Role-Playing game that takes place in the Fantasy world of Markoth, in a 'No gunpowder' Magical low fantasy setting.

We play actual events in Rooty Hill, Sydney that involve many players following the storyline with medieval battles using latex coated fibreglass weaponry.

Right, So I'm here, What now?

Players are able to add/edit pages to help our wiki to grow and become something amazing, however standard wiki rules will apply (See: Rules).

There is lots to read about, research and learn about our ever-evolving world. Information you find here added by the admins will be canon, and submissions from players will be put through the story team approval process as per the Rules.

Here are some key topics you should explore:

10 Things You Need To Know About Markoth

Playing for the First Time

Character Creation

Classes & Costuming

The Handbook

Please also just have a look around, enjoy the hundreds of hours of creative work that makes this game one of a kind ;)

The Battlecry Team